Privacy policy

Your visit to this site and all sites operated by HKM Media Group is subject to the terms below. The same applies to all websites, applications, and services where there is a reference or link to this privacy policy.


About HKM Media Group, our websites and this Privacy Policy

This website is owned and operated by HKM Media Group AB, corporate identity number 556513-0886, located on Näbbtorgsgatan 2, 703 23 Örebro, Sweden. HKM Media Group in Sweden publishes about 30 different titles – see complete list at our website – and deliver reading pleasure to over 1 million Swedes each month. HKM Media Group AB is the responsible part for processing your personal information in accordance with the principles set forth in this privacy policy. We are prepared to protect your personal data and comply with all of the Swedish laws and regulations which is available to protect the privacy of individuals. Read more detailed information below under the Personal Information section.

“Website” refers to the following description of the web pages that are under a specific domain, such as or “Webpage” refers to the individual, separate pages that like this page are collected under a specific domain.

We can offer you the ability to connect to our sites or to use our applications, services and tools via a mobile device, either through a mobile application or through a mobile-adapted site. The provisions of this Privacy Policy also apply to all mobile access and use of mobile devices.

Some pages on our websites contain links to third party websites. These websites have their own privacy policies and HKM Media Group is not responsible for their business, including but not limited to their information routines. Users who send information to or through these third-party websites should review the privacy policies for the websites before sending any personal data to them.



By registering on any of the HKM Media Group websites, using our services or visiting our websites, or via another communication channel, register or transfer your personal information to the HKM Media Group, you acknowledge that you have read this privacy policy and agree to how we process your information according to the information on this page. If you do not agree to the terms in this privacy policy you should not use our services. Please note that the terms of this privacy policy may be subject to change from time to time. Therefore, you should review these terms on a regular basis to make sure you are satisfied with the changes.


About Cookies

HKM Media Group and our service providers use so-called cookies on our websites. A cookie is a small text file sent from a website to your browser. The cookie can not identify you personally, only the browser installed on your computer which you use when visiting the webpage in question (internet-enabled tablets and phones included). Different cookies are therefore on different computers in case you use different computers to reach our websites.

Cookies are sent to you from the site you visit (first-party cookies) or from another organization that provides services to the current site such as an analytics and statistics company (third-party cookies). There are two kinds of cookies – session cookies and permanent cookies. A session cookie is sent to your computer to ensure the webpages work properly during your visit. A session cookie is not stored on your computer and disappears when you close your browser. A permanent cookie is stored on your computer so that, for example, a web page can recognize your computer’s IP address and thus your browser the next time you log in. We use both session cookies and permanent cookies on our websites. They are mainly needed for the functionality of our services, to help us improve our delivery of products and services, provide you with extra functionality or to help us target relevant and customized ads to you.

We use service providers like,, and on our websites. They place cookies or html5 cookies on your device and collect information to improve and customize ads and marketing for you. This includes saving and analyzing information about your surfing habits based on different subject categories as well as gathering other basic information about your visit to enable an assessment of which ads may interest you most. The cookies are saved on your device for different lengths of time depending on the type of information that is saved.

Most browsers have a default setting that accepts the use of cookies. You can easily change this by editing a setting in your browser, including blocking cookies or deleting cookies stored on your computer. Please note that if you choose not to allow cookies you may lose some functionality of our websites and some services may not be provided as intended. You can find more information on how you edit your browser settings using the help function that is usually available in the browser.


About Adblockers

Our site uses Javascript to detect the use of adblocking software. This script is implemented in our site’s source code. It simulates the display of an ad and confirms whether or not the ad appears on the user’s device. We do not store any information in the user’s equipment and do not process user’s personal information when using the script. If we detect the use of adblocking software we may interact with the user about the use of such software and/or customize the content that the user accesses.


Copyright & Trademarks

For all content, regardless of the form, on the HKM Media Group web pages the copyright of HKM Media Group applies. This means that all content in the form of, for example, different types of texts, movies, articles, reports, audio tracks, radio, brands, graphics and illustrations are, among other things, legally protected by copyright and trademark laws if nothing else is specified.

The material published via HKM Media Group web pages is HKM Media Group property or third party property with which HKM Media Group cooperates and may not be used by you beyond what is required for the use of the web pages under applicable terms. You do not, therefore, own the right to copy, distribute, transmit or otherwise make material available without the written consent of HKM Media Group.

HKM Media Group reserves the right, without limitation, to use and publish submitted material to the web pages (so-called user-generated content described below) such as images, text comments, and the like.


User-generated content and netiquette

User-generated content refers to all content that the site’s visitor creates or uploads to the site. In other words; all content not created by HKM Media Group. For example, uploaded images and text in the form of comments to articles are user-generated content.

When you use functionality on HKM Media Group websites where user-generated content can be created as forums, comments on blogs, etc, you act as private individuals with content that you are personally responsible for and which you as a site user can be held accountable for. This content does not apply to publishing responsibilities as otherwise applicable to HKM Media Group websites. You have no whistleblowing protection and we can not guarantee your anonymity even if we try to secure it as much as possible.

User-generated content may under no circumstances contain:
– Hate against public or other content of a racist or offensive nature.
– Offensive data such as prosecution or insult, threats, personal appeal or offensive information.
– Invitation to criminal action.
– Unlawful violence, pornography or child pornography.
– Information constituting copyright infringement.
– Dissemination of computer viruses and mass mailings, viz. spam.
– Program code that may be harmful and affect the functionality of the site in any way.
– Offers on sexual services, surveys, own competitions, direct mail, mass mail, private ads or the like.

Are you as users of HKM Media Group websites the least bit doubtful about the meaning of the above, please refrain from contributing content.

HKM Media Group is entitled, but not obliged, to immediately, in whole or in part, remove or not forward user-generated content that violates all or part of these terms. In the event that such abuse would arise, HKM Media Group is entitled to take necessary measures to prevent abuse. Such measures may include suspension or imposed restrictions on you as a user or member. In case of more serious violations legal action may also be taken.

See the Copyright & Trademarks section regarding rights to user-generated content.


Membership information when registering

In cases where site functionality implies registration, it is essential that you do not leave your username and password unauthorized, and that you at all times check so that unauthorized persons can not use the information you provided for the purpose of impersonating you. You as a user are personally responsible for everything that is written and ordered from the registration you create. Therefore, do not forget to log out when leaving your computer and be careful if you use, for example, automatic login.

HKM Media Group reserves the right to refuse and to remove inappropriate and offensive usernames.

In cases where functionality occurs in cooperation with external suppliers it may mean that previously registered data for any of HKM Media Group’s websites can not be used. In that case the external supplier’s data collection policy applies. Functionality that takes place in collaboration with external suppliers includes, along with other forms of cooperation; RSS Code Syndication (“RDF Site Summary” or “Really Simple Syndication”) , XML (Extensible Markup Language), so-called iFrames or similar web feeds that allow content or services of an external provider to be presented integrated through the website of HKM Media Group, so-called Syndication of Content.


Personal information

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, save, release and protect your personal information. As mentioned above, HKM Media Group is responsible for processing your personal information and complies with all of the Swedish laws and regulations available to protect the privacy of individuals.


Collecting personal information

If you visit or register on our websites or otherwise use our services, you may provide information that is considered to constitute personal data. This may include:
– Name and contact information including e-mail address.
– Delivery information, billing information, payment information and other information that you provide in connection with the purchase or delivery of a product or service.
– Demographic information such as postal code, choice and interests.
– Other information relevant to customer surveys, ads and/or offers.
– Other user-generated information that you actively choose to share via our websites.

Regarding the collection of information via cookies, refer to the About Cookies section above.


Purpose of using personal data

Our purpose of collecting and using personal data is to provide you with information and services from magazines or companies within the HKM Media Group. In particular, we use your personal information to fulfill, improve and adapt our commitments, products and services, manage subscriptions and customer relations, and provide you with marketing and direct marketing both digitally and postally. Completion through retrieval from and interaction with other private and public records, such as updating of address information may occur. HKM Media Group membership registers, containing personal data obtained from the websites or otherwise, are confidential.

To fulfill the purposes above, your personal information will be processed by us but may also be disclosed to, and processed by, the companies in our group or the service providers and partners approved by HKM Media Group. Your personal data will never be forwarded without a confidentiality agreement. Your personal information may also be disclosed to comply with legal obligations and may be handed over to the police and other relevant authorities when permitted or required by law.



We are serious about processing your personal information safely. In order to prevent unauthorized use or exposure of your personal data, we use reasonable physical, technical and organizational security measures in relation to the amount and sensitivity of personal data.


Control of your personal data

Once every calendar year, you can request information about what personal data we have registered about you and how these are used after a written application has been submitted to us in accordance with the contact details below. You may at any time request that your personal information, which is incorrectly changed, incomplete or misleading, be corrected or deleted by contacting us as described below. In order to protect your privacy and your personal information, we may require you to identify yourself in connection with our assistance.


Terminating use of personal data

You can revoke your consent at any time by contacting us below. Such revocation may occur in whole or in part. If you do not wish to receive marketing and promotional offers from us, you can withdraw your consent by contacting us directly or through a link in the current mail. However, with regard to the latter, such recall applies only to the newsletter or other service in question. If you revoke your consent for the use or disclosure of your personal data for other purposes as set out in this privacy policy, then it may mean that we can not continue to grant you access to our websites or provide services and customer service offered to our users and permitted under this privacy policy.


Contacting us

If you have any questions related to this privacy policy, if you find that there has been a violation of it or if you would like to contact us for any reason stated in this privacy policy, please contact our customer service at the following e-mail address: or at the below address or phone.

HKM Media Group
Personal Information
702 23 Örebro
Telephone 019-10 84 90

Personal service weekdays 8-17. Automatic services open 24/7.



HKM Media Group can not be held liable for any damage caused directly or indirectly by you as a user using our websites. HKM Media Group makes no guarantees regarding availability or functions.

HKM Media Group can not be held responsible for the legality of the content of the web pages we link to from our websites. Nor can we guarantee that published links work.

HKM Media Group can not be held liable for any loss related to your use of the content of the websites operated by HKM Media Group. This disclaimer includes both direct and indirect losses, including losses caused by malfunctions, the unavailability of the sites and the like.

HKM Media Group denies responsibility for the membership data in case of; sabotage/data breach or other external impact beyond our control or events that is considered to be force majeure.

HKM Media Group’s websites caters to the Swedish market and should therefore be assessed according to Swedish law. Any users outside Sweden’s border are responsible for ensuring that he/she complies to Swedish rules, laws and regulations.