Search Results for: business

Toys ‘R’ Us: Interview with Sex Siopa’s Shawna Scott

Sex Siopa is not only Dublin’s first online sex store, it is Ireland’s first health and design focused sex shop. Run by Seattle native Shawna Scott, Sex Siopa seeks to leave behind the blacked-out window fronts and furtive glances that have characterised much of the capital’s adult stores. Tired of the lack of choice and […]

Cinema Review: In Real Life

Director: Beeban Kidron Talent: Jimmy Wales, Toby Turner, Julian Assange Release Date: 20th September 2013 Beeban Kidron’s InRealLife is a documentary which aims to examine the malign effects the internet is having on children and adolescents. Adopting the tone of an Observer thinkpiece, all the way down to its barely-concealed contempt for the working class, the resulting feature revels […]

The Village: Cloughjordan Ecovillage

The Cloughjordan Ecovillage: how a one-horse-town is transforming into an experimental eco enclave Although brimming with historical bric a crac (fulacht fia, cairns, ring forts, bog butter (literally, butter found in a bog)), as well as being the hailing place of poet Thomas MacDonagh, Cloughjordan is not somewhere you would particularly remark upon when passing […]

Bar Guide: Ashton’s

Ashton’s in Clonskeagh was and remains a leader in the Gastro Pub scene. Long before food was an important element of a public house, Ashton’s were committed to serving the best of Irish food.

An Interview with The Website Shop

August 26th will see the first ever Website Shop opening on Dún Laoghaire’s George’s Street. This pop-up shop will inhabit no. 66 for three weeks and be a port in the storm for those lost in a sea of self-help webpages and books, design agencies and freelancers; a friendly face to help sort out your […]

Granby Park: Upstart on their Dominick Street pop-up

Since 2011, Upstart have featured prominently in the ‘Dublin enthusiasts’ list: they are a non-profit, voluntary arts collective who believes public life can be greatly improved with a good dose of creativity and goodwill, and are determined to bring out the city’s potential through various artistic endeavours. Their latest one will see them join forces […]

Utopia, Part III: Mexico City

1: Santa Fe, Santa Muerte The cricket shirr goes electric when I see her. Could be it’s the electric wires overhead are frayed almost gone, or that I’m scared, or else it’s just the crickets, I can’t be 100% on this: I’m too occupied with clipping this Evil Eye necklace around her bone ankle to […]

Istanbul Rising

Istanbul is a city divided; it straddles the Bosphorus with the European continent on one side and the Asian continent on the other. It is the site to many laboured metaphors about clashing cultures, being at once cosmopolitan and ancient; legitimately both European and Middle-Eastern. A huge city, home to over 13 million people, it […]

Interview: Slutever

Karley Sciortino may only be 27 years old, but she’s had more life experience than all your most eccentric friends combined: university dropout, former London squat resident, sex blogger, visual artist, dominatrix and now, potential author. Slutever began as a blog in 2007 to document Sciortino’s experiences in ‘Squallyoaks’, a series of squats she shared with friends and blow-ins. As her writing progressed, Slutever morphed into a personal blog that discussed sex and sexual behaviour, peppered with interviews with a range of artists, journalists, musicians and friends that kept an honesty and irreverence that made it addictive.

10 Days In Dublin: Spoken Word, Token Word’s Iseult Sheehy and Joshua Lim

“The May Blaze” is a new company. Why did you choose the festival to launch it? I was invited to stage a production for the 10 Days In Dublin festival at an open-mic poetry night called The Monday Echo at The International Bar. I had been percolating ideas for a theatrical show based on my […]

Pallas Projects/Studios: Running in the Hall 2

Pallas Projects/Studios, those vagrant art champions, have been doing a neat job at settling into a more permanent home. Their spacious digs, an old Coombe school-building with a dirty great lake out the back, have been headquarters of some of our most progressive contemporary art production since last May – we’re delighted to celebrate its […]


I’d bought a titanic Korg drum machine specifically for the night. Cait’s dad packed it into the boot of the car with our guitars, dodgy Yamaha keyboards and mic-stands, and dropped us outside the red-andwhite front of the Camden Street pub that was playing host to our first ever gig that wasn’t for Blast or […]

Art Tunnel Smithfield

Progress isn’t always written in stone. The existence of ghost estates and eerily bare structures around the island should tell us that. Not too long ago, during Ireland’s erstwhile boom, there was an incessant desire to build upon every available square inch of land. Our historic preoccupation with land and property ownership has always been present but never more apparent than during (whisper it) the Celtic Tiger

Restaurant Review: Ely Gastro Bar

The sun fell behind the Grand Canal Theatre signalling the end of the weekend. On a sunny Sunday evening, revellers enjoyed their last bits of merriment before a new week outside ely gastro bar on Hanover Quay. Inside, my date was engorging on a fish and chips dinner, bright-eyed and barely coming up for air. […]

gleaming the cube: Yary

From the point that moment a group of sundrenched Californian long hairs turned their back on the tubular bounty of the ocean in favour of a little plank of wood and four clay wheels the fairer sex have been ever present. It only takes a cursory glance over skateboarding’s formative years in the 1970’s to […]

Kool Keith interview

Pissy streets, homosexuality as a trend, the South inheriting 808s and nobody ever calling Radiohead old school with rap’s one and only – Kool Keith.


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