Search Results for: business

Restaurant Review: Klaw Poké

Klaw Poké is a cool space, a seafood shack with a seaside feel. There are just 25 seats, most of them at a bar overlooking the kitchen.

Barfly: Token

Even with its plainly inclusivist bent, Token is obviously the progeny of obsession.

Soundbite: Lily Ramirez-Foran

Lily Ramirez-Foran on the origins of her blog “A Mexican Cook” and its offshoot Picado, the Mexican boutique grocery she runs with husband Alan in Portobello.

Exposing The Enclosure: The Design Yard

The Design Yard is home to a wealth of contemporary jewellry and design. Sinead O’Reilly meets owner Hillary Campbell and speaks to some of its residents.

Pow Bao at Eatyard

Pow Bao, a food truck specialising in steamed buns from Taiwan stuffed with creative, savoury fillings.

Cinema Review: The Other Side of Hope

Topical, poignant and surprisingly funny, Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki’s The Other Side of Hope is a fable about the Syrian refugee crisis.

Fresh Roast: Colin Harmon 3fe

Colin Harmon of 3fe fame is the undisputed doyen of the independent coffee scene. He has just written his anecdotal and instructional guide What I Know About Running Coffee Shops.

Barfly: Stage 19

The rough-hewn quality of the signage offers an immediate insight into the mindset of those pulling the strings at Stage 19.

Soundbite: Ryan Scott – DropChef

We caught up with Ryan Scott to talk about the development of DropChef and to learn more about the Cook-One-Feed-One initiative that lies at the heart of all they do.

Liberties Next

The Liberties area of the city is undergoing unprecedented transformation which is most amplified around Newmarket Square. Some of those affecting and affected by these changes tell us what they think.


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