White Rabbits – Fort Nightly

Posted April 4, 2008 in Music Reviews

Storming out of the New York indie rock circuit are White Rabbits – the latest band to have everyone talking. The six-piece collective produce rousing indie rock tunes that are on a par with Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs, and The Minus Five. Fort Nightly is their debut album and it stampedes forward with all of the bravado that one would expect from a band looking to impress on their first appearance in the spotlight.

The quintessence of the eleven tracks that appear here is one of a rambunctious nature with a bittersweet aftertaste. Led by driving rhythms and punching basslines, their music is as maundering as it is calculated – just like a Hunter S. Thompson novel. There are so many elements that make up this concoction of indie rock that it almost seems pointless in trying to break it all down to unearth its inner workings. Instead, the volume should just be turned up so that the listener can enjoy the music, because it is a record that demands participation. Whether you want to get up to dance or just stomp your feet along to the marching beat, it is sure to have your pulse racing.

In contrast to this, there are dips into a more amiable domain with Tourist Trap and Navy Wives. That switch showcases a layered approach to things by the band, which comes to the fore with the excellent While We Go Dancing and the hook-laden The Plot. There are so many good tunes packed in here that it is hard to believe that this is the first full-length release by the band.

It will be very interesting to see where they go from here, but for now they have left us with a superb debut album that will surely see them grow in popularity over the coming months.

See Also: Hot Hot Heat – Make Up The Breakdown [Sub Pop], Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Some Loud Thunder [Wichita], Wolf Parade – Apologies To The Queen Mary [Sub Pop]

Watch – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO-qS0DvBgE



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