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Louise Gaffney: Come On Live Long

Posted June 9, 2017 in Music Features

Come On Live Long have just released their sophomore album In The Still. We had the chats with band member Louise Gaffney.


Where are you right now?

Sunburned in Rathmines. It’s not anywhere near as good as Sleepless in Seattle.

What can you see?

A huge two litre bottle of water,  a big lovely cold smoothie and a book I am fully intending to read in the shade later.

First word that comes into your head?

Tangle Twister (that’s two words but the weather is well and truly in it for tangle twisters)


Come on Live Long in three words?

‘Any beers lads’


The sound of your summer?

Currently obsessing over Frank Ocean which suits the summer perfectly. More accurately the sound would probably be me and Daithi belting out our favourite Frank bits at random intervals.

Three ideal dinner guests (living or dead)?

Well lets have Frank over anyway, he can sing for us. Then maybe we need someone to tell us jokes like David O’Doherty. Then maybe Tom Crean can tell us all about Arctic exploration while we have desert.

Three inspiring acts for Come on Live Long?

Kanye West is pretty up there for all of us. Stars Of The Lid and Max Richter who is a genius that we admire, enamoured by his 8 hour long album Sleep which is a piece designed to aid sleep but is incredibly beautiful and just an amazing concept too.

Dream headline gig?

It would be pretty cool to play a National Concert Hall, here or overseas, with an orchestra at our disposal.

Dream support slot?

Radiohead is the obvious one. I think we would all very much like to meet those lads considering how many collective hours we have spent listening to them.

How long would it be acceptable to live for?

As long as you’re still have ‘the craic’ and able to pull off a sweet airdrum solo.

Come On Live Long launch their album In The Still in Whelans on Saturday June 17th. Tickets 12.



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