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Gunn/Truscinski Duo, Desert Heat, Cian Nugent & The Cosmos

Ian Maleney
Posted October 2, 2012 in Gig Previews

St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama
St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama

Throw your bags in the car, we’re going for a ride. When Kerouac mythologised the image of keeping one wheel to the white line, speeding back and forth across a continent with the wind in his hair, there was a good chance he had the music of Steven Gunn and John Truscinksi lodged in the back of his head. Theirs is a music for the open road, where possibility is king and the past is nothing you can’t drive away from. Gunn’s guitar effortlessly conjures the West Coast, long beaches and the white foam of the surf breaking on the sand. Truscinksi is the engine, propulsive but always under control. Together they aim for something just a little transcendental. Their second collaborative album, Ocean Parkway, is one of the finest of the year.


The above all sounds delicious enough to tempt us out on a Thursday evening but when you add Cian Nugent’s firebrand take on six-strings to the mix, then things get really interesting. That trio is fittingly known as Desert Heat. Having come together briefly at a bowling and music festival last year, the chemistry was right and they recorded an album that will hopefully see the light of day some time. In the meantime though, you can catch them on a rare jam together this week. Who knows where it’ll end up?

DESERT HEAT – untitled by TUSK Festival

Mr. Nugent will also be bringing his Cosmos along to open proceedings, which is no tiny detail. Consistently one of the best live bands in the country, their psychedelic Americana is a wonder and a joy to behold at full tilt.

Where: The Joinery

When: Thursday, 8pm

The Damage: €8

St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama


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