Little Deer Heads for Pastures New

Posted February 1, 2022 in More


It was nice to see a temporary lease of life in the space made famous by predecessor Maureen, as Matthew Melis set up shop in the iconic Manor Street spot over the past few months for an all too brief pop-up sojurn with Little Deer comics.

Having enjoyed a very successful run in Maureen’s throughout the Autumn and Winter, the changing of the seasons now sees Little Deer depart for pastures new, with a move from Dublin 7 to Dublin 8 this Spring.

Readers will recall that the founder of Dublin Comic Arts started off his venture in the Stoneybatter Farmers Market back in 2019, so Stoneybatter was the ideal location for him to try out a new life with a bricks and mortar presence.

Announcing news of the move on Little Deer’s social channels, Melis said that he will be taking over the lease on the building formerly occupied by Green TD Patrick Costello at 122 Emmet Road, Inchicore, in March. 

The Little Deer founder explained that the Stoneybatter pop-up will continue as normal up until the last week of February, adding;

“And then with a puff of smoke and some misdirection we will magically reappear in Inchicore and be open for business in March. And of course Little Deer Comics is always open!”

While the residents of Stoneybatter will miss Little Deer’s cheery presence,  the shop’s transition across the Liffey sees them join some illustrious company, with new neighbours including the likes of  Small Changes.

Rumour has it that the next Dublin Comic Arts Festival is also coming to Inchicore very soon. Keep an eye on their socials for details.

Meanwhile Maureen may have left the building, but the building will always be affectionately known as Maureen’s. We look forward to seeing what pops up there next. 


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