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How To Learn Irish? – Úna-Minh Kavanagh 

Posted May 13, 2020 in More

St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama
St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama

Earlier this year we asked a selection of insiders to offer their advice, tips and insights based on their various experiences in their chosen creative field. Here author Úna-Minh Kavanagh of shares her thoughts on How To Learn Irish. 


One of the biggest fears is making mistakes. Dont. Be. Afraid. You learn from mistakes and the average Joe really doesnt care if you cant form the Modh Coinníollach on the spot. Once you get over that fear, youre flying. 

Embrace the internet. With a bit of googling, you will find a plethora of online resources like the Irish subreddit r/Gaeilge, a Discord forum Craic le Gaeilge(voice, video and text chat app), and where your nearest Pop-Up Gaeltacht and Ciorcal Comhá is. 

Remember, you dont have to lug a massive dictionary around. and are essential.

They also hold a database of pronunciations from the Munster, Connacht and Ulster dialects as well as information on how to form the dreaded genitive case. 

Everyday Irish is key: Sign off your messages, label things in your home, change your Facebook to Gaeilge, speak Irish in the car!

Go n-éirí leat. 

Úna-Minh Kavanagh  

Author of Anseo (New Island Books) 



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