How to Choose a Color Scheme for Your Marketing Material

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Choosing the right color scheme for your marketing materials is not only a design decision butalso one of the most influential tools to incite consumer behavior, evoke emotion and make yourbrand pop. Be it creating a digital campaign or ready to print flyers online, colors can make allthe difference in how your audience is going to perceive and interact with your brand.

Color Psychology: How Colors Affect Your Marketing Psychology

Colors are a major way to affect people’s feelings about your marketing. Colors may representcertain feelings that influence target audience choices. Here is just a selection: Red – It is a colorof excitement, urgency, and passion; it can draw attention and is usually used in calls-to-actionlike “Buy Now” or “Limited Time Offer”.
Blue: Trust, calmness, and professionalism. This commonly serves as the corporate color ofbrands in the finance and technology industries, which evokes a feeling of reliability.

Yellow: Optimism, energy, and warmth. Used to convey friendliness and positivity, this is oftenseen in playful or youth-oriented marketing efforts.
Understanding the ways that colors can elicit emotions will help ensure that your brandmessage really aligns with the values and feelings you wish to convey.

Choosing the Right Palette for Your Brand

Your color scheme should express your brand’s personality and resonate with your targetmarket. A harmonious color palette enhances your brand’s message and makes it morememorable within all of your marketing materials.

For example, a brand involved with wellness would want to include greens to show health andgrowth. A luxury brand would include rich, deep tones such as gold or black to illustrateexclusivity. Think of your audience may work for a young, lively audience, but it might just notwork for a more corporate or professional audience.
When you go to print flyers online or create physical marketing materials, it’s vital to understandhow your chosen colors will print and look different from how they do on a screen. Sometimes,colors may change from medium to medium, but high-quality printing services will make sureyour brand colors stay consistent across all channels.

Building a Color Combination

Once you have your brand’s core colors, here are some ways to build a color scheme off of them:

Monochromatic: This scheme would involve the use of different shades of one color, whichmakes the look cohesive and minimalist.
Analogous: Colors lying next to each other in the color wheel, for example, blue and greenhues, provide a natural, harmonious look.
Complementary: When the colors of choice are facing one another on the color wheel, like redand green, it is considered contrasting and energetic.

A correct blend will keep your marketing materials attention-grabbing but not overwhelming toyour audience.

Test and Refine Your Choices

Once you have chosen a color scheme, you need to test it on different platforms and formats.

What looks vibrant on a digital screen may appear more mellow in print and vice-versa. Test thecolors by printing samples of your designs, especially for flyers, brochures, or posters.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your palette according to the responses of your audience. You can alsoconduct tests on the effectiveness of color schemes using A/B testing to fine-tune thosepreferences over time.


Colors are a big part of marketing because they can further mold and drive emotions, getattention, and eventually communicate your brand’s values. Whether you want to design onlinefor digital platforms or need to print flyers online, an effective color scheme is going to set yourmaterials apart and speak to the people in your target audience. Consider your brand identityand color psychology to make sure this marketing strategy looks good and works.


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