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Origin Story: Attention Attire

Posted July 27, 2023 in Fashion

St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama
St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama

We spotted two cool looking waste collectors at Body & Soul in June clad, jump-suit style, in fetching colourful weather appropriate garb. Upon enquiry, they told us they were wearing Attention Attire. Its origin story is thus,

“I had a tent that came with me to every festival I attended in my 20s and I was very attached to it,” says Megan Best, one of the co-founders. “When it came to the end of its usefulness, I couldn’t bear to throw it away. I approached a friend of mine – Debbs – a talented clothing designer, to see if she could turn the tent into something new.

The design for our first dress, The Anna, came to me in a dream. She was delighted by the project and Attention Attire was born.”




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