With Distinction: Interview with Anne Morgan of Distinct Model Management

Posted February 2, 2015 in Fashion


Founder of Distinct Model Management and self-confessed ‘Mammy’ to her girls, Dubliner Anne Morgan is putting Irish models on the international fashion stage with her keen eye for cutting-edge talent.

What made you want to start a modelling agency?

To be honest it was very out of the blue. When I was in college I was working part time as a model, but to me modelling was runway and editorial, and what I was doing wasn’t. In 2010 when I had just quit modelling, I was asked to be a judge on the panel of Elite Model Look Ireland and it opened my eyes when we travelled the country and met with these incredible girls with really unique looks which I hadn’t seen too much of from my own experience in Dublin.

The competition ended and I kept in touch with the girls and it suddenly dawned on me, I really want to look after them as they started out in the industry. I remember scouting a girl on Facebook and when I introduced her to one of my clients, they suggested I should strongly consider the possibility of opening an agency. I knew myself I had the passion to do it and the eye to do it but I didn’t have the experience of running my own business. If I knew then how much hard work it would have been to do on my own would it have changed my mind? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t change a thing.

You actually have a Masters in Psychotherapy; does it help what you do now?

Most definitely. I trained in schools in disadvantaged areas as a play therapist with kids from four to 14 years of age, and while I loved it, it was extremely tough emotionally. I think having that background has helped a huge amount in how I relate to my own models. I encourage them to come in, to chill out between jobs, kick their feet up and have a chat. We have a great relationship and the models know there is nothing they can’t discuss with me and I think that’s why I always kept the agency small, so every model had that individual care and attention.

Tell me about how Distinct is different?

I think from day one, anyone I ever scouted was always more suited to the international market rather than the Irish market so I was always different in that respect. I knew that there were already a lot of agencies in Dublin but at the same time, I didn’t make this conscious decision to go against what was already being done, I just had a different eye for a different kind of model. I wanted Distinct to be international from day one. I just had more of an appreciation for the unique rather than the girl next door. The more different the look, the better.

Distinct has come a long way since its relatively recent inception. What have been some of your proudest moments so far?

My proudest moment of all was Li Ann Smal becoming the face of an international Burberry campaign. For a 19 year-old girl from Greystones to come so far in her first season in London was just incredible. She has been very special from the start, her work ethic and her personality really made her stand out.

Another big moment was being awarded Fashion Business Person of the Year at Kerry Fashion Week earlier this year, as I was always so hard on myself due to my lack of actual business experience. I guess when you are so immersed in your work you don’t really appreciate how far you have truly come so that award was very special for me and it helped me gain a lot more confidence in myself which is the one thing I was really lacking.

Anyone to keep an eye out for?

One of our guys, Chun Soot has been making a serious impact abroad and has caught the eye of some huge international brands so we already know 2015 is going to be big for him. We also have a brand new face who was scouted through our last #IAmDistinct competition, Caoimhe (17) who is making a huge impression with clients in the space of only a couple of months. Caoimhe has this incredible look reminiscent of the supermodels of the 1990s with beautiful features and this fantastic feminine figure. I have to say though, I am excited for all of our most recent signings as we keep Distinct quite small focusing on quality over quantity so I really believe in their ability to make a huge impact both here and abroad.


You can follow Distinct Model Management on Instagram and Twitter at @distinctmmgmt and through their website at www.distinctmodelmanagement.com


Words: Honor Fitzsimons


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