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Design: Girls Don’t Cry – Agne Hurt

Posted January 12, 2021 in Design, More

St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama
St. Patrick’s 2025 panorama

A new tattoo parlour in the city has a quarter of women at the helm. We hear from each of them as to how their business and partnership came about.

Agne Hurt

How long have you all been tattooing?

Over six years now.

How long does it take to learn the skills needed to do it professionally?

The simple answer would be as much as you are willing to put in.

Where did you hone your craft?

I’ve learned the ropes in Lithuania, and then came here in Dublin, where I’ve lived before. I knew the city but had zero knowledge about the industry here. I have been tattooing 5 years in Dublin since.

How did Girls Don’t Cry come about? Had you all worked together before?

We did work together before at The Ink Factory.

How would you describe your individual styles?

Mine definitely has traditional tattooing roots which I admire even though I am constantly reinventing myself, always learning new techniques, studying old ones and being inspired by ancient arts. Life and art for me is about self expression and inner journey. Feeling blessed connecting with people who understand and speak my visual language.

Tattooing has blown up globally in the last few years and that has created a lot of competition and opportunity in the market. What’s your approach for Girls Don’t Cry and making sure you stand out from all the others?

Honestly, we don’t think in these economic terms and competition is not on our mindset. We just do what we love and makes us happier than not doing it. We are all humble people, appreciate our clients, sincerely hope they feel safe in our space and enjoy being in the environment we created.

How has it been setting up a new studio in the middle of this global challenge?

It has been challenging because for three of us, it’s been the first studio we own. We learned a good few lessons on the way and it’s been a great journey so far to say the least.

Any advice you would give to others considering carving their own paths and creating their own luck?

I don’t have a secret recipe but the only thing I can truly say- stop overthinking it and just do it, and do it more if you really believe in it.

Who are your tattoo inspirations? 

Artists and tattooers from whose work you can feel their love for the craft.

18 Eustace Street, Dublin 2 (currently closed under level 5 lockdown restrictions)

words: Richard Seabrooke

photos: Gary Cullen



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