Dublin Dining Guide: Todd Ryan – Farmer Brown’s

Posted June 20, 2019 in Food & Drink Features


We talk to Todd Ryan, Manager, Farmer Browns about their new location at Kilternan and what customers can expect going forward.


Farmer Browns has grown from its origins on Bath Avenue to now encompass four locations including your newest one in Kilternan. Can you tell us a bit about the origins of Farmers Browns and what considerations have come into play as you’ve grown the brand?

Farmer Browns was opened 8 years ago with the ethos of serving Irish soul food in a casual, relaxed atmosphere with an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients and Irish craft beers.

Since our humble beginnings with 10 tables in Bath Avenue we currently have 4 locations across South Dublin and a new venue coming to the North side this summer.

As the brand grows we try to keep the same attitude we had at the beginning. Locally sourced ingredients that showcase the best of Irish food and a friendly relaxed atmosphere. As we have moved into the pub game we want Farmer Browns to be the your local: a chilled place to get a great pint.


What criteria did you consider in choosing Kilternan as new location?

I think Kilternan and the people who live there suit our kind of offering. Grace, Peter & Finnuala the owners are country people themselves so somewhere just outside the city was an easy fit.


What can a first time customer of Farmer Browns expect? Is there a seasonality to your menu?

Customers can expect comforting dishes, well executed made with the best ingredients. We have won awards for our hearty brunches and big burgers. The restaurants are always busy and bustling and the pubs have a great vibe for after work drinks and weekend pints.

We use seasonal ingredients as appropriate to our menu.


Are there any noticeable customer demands or industry trends which have made you modify your offerings?

Yes of course. The drive for more vegan/ vegetarian offerings over the past few years has been something we have been working on constantly and always looking to improve on. Also we have a menu now that can be made gluten free almost in its entirety. That is an obvious must have for any food business currently.


What advice would you give someone looking to extend their restaurant into a small chain?

I think a belief in your brand and knowing that you are offering the very best product you can offer is key.

Also listen to the customers. They, at the end of the day want you to succeed so make sure you are working around them when considering plans to expand.


You have won a number of awards in terms of dining experience and best burger. How significant are accolades to the business?

I mean it would sound cooler to say it doesn’t matter but of course we’re chuffed when we get a little recognition. It’s a good motivator to keep doing what your doing.


Your beef, bacon, pudding, batch bread and cheese are all sourced from distinguished suppliers. How important are these relationships and support?

Incredibly important. With a few exceptions we’ve been using the same suppliers since day one and have a long-standing friendship with a lot of them.

As I mentioned before our ethos is Irish ingredients, locally sourced so having an opportunity to showcase these incredible producers means the world to us.


Any further development plans over the next 12 months?

Yes as I mentioned we’ll be opening up on the North side of the city this summer which will be our fifth location. So keep an eye on our social media for more details on that.



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