Piranha 3DD

Posted May 8, 2012 in Film Previews

Director: John Gulager

Talent: Danielle Panabaker, Ving Rhames, David Hasselhof

Release Date: May 11th 2012

The infamous voice over in the trailer states: “Double the action. Double the D’s” – which should tell you all you need to know about this fishy sequel Piranha 3DD.

The setting is different (now a water park) but the big guns are all back, Ving Rhames, Christopher Loyd and a boatful of strippers. Hill Have Eyes Director Alexander Aja has been replaced by a B movie-to-dvd director Gulager (a blood and guts man through and through) which tells tall tales about the new direction of this sequel.

Sadly Jaws man Dreyfuss couldn’t make a return but when God closes a door he opens a window and by window we mean Mr. Lifeguard himself, David Hasslehoff, who seems content nowadays to play parodies of himself from his former days.

It’s never going to be riveting cinema but if you like 3D, fish, blood and boobs, well then, Christmas just came early.

Words: Joseph Orr




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