Dark Shadows

Posted May 8, 2012 in Film Previews

Director: Tim Burton

Talent: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Eva Green

Release Date: May 11th 2012

Based on an old 1960s TV show, Dark Shadows marks yet another collaboration of the Depp-Burton variety. This time Depp’s a vampire out of time, waking up in the 70s to find that pesky witch (Eva Green) who cursed him all those years ago, is still at large and still lusting for him. To ensure his family’s safety he’ll have to confront her head on.

It’s all getting very familiar though with the usual pale faces and dark settings played to a backdrop of obscure wit and even stranger circumstances……what are we getting that we haven’t seen so many times before? Well the answer to that may very well be Eva Green, whose evil seductive witch seems to provide the perfect antagonistic lead that Depp needs to bounce some of his delightful wit off.

At first glance just another Tim Burton movie, but when you look closer, a stunning supporting cast, a captivating Eva Green and Depp reprising the lovable idiot humour that made Jack Sparrow so charming, this could be a great movie.

Words: Joseph Orr




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