Seven Silver Screen Psychopaths

Cathal Prendergast
Posted December 18, 2012 in Film Features

Anton Chigurh- No Country for Old Men

The personification of evil has a bowl haircut it would seem. Terrifying. His name may be pronounced ‘sugar’ but Javier Bardem’s unstoppable hitman is anything but sweet. With an inventive choice of weaponry (a captive bolt pistol being his main tool) and a twisted code of ethics (coin toss, friend-o), Chigurh murders without remorse criminals, lawmen and innocent people alike. As Cormac McCarthy’s novel contained barely any descriptive details about the character, the Coens and Bardem opted to give him an eerily unplaceable accent, making it seem as though he “comes from nowhere”.

Psycho-babble-: “Would you hold still, please, sir?”



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