As we join Michael Bay’s third Transformers outing, recurring baddie Megatron is hiding out in an anonymous desert with a rag on his head. This is the level of political/semiotic maturity you will encounter if you go to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon, a sequel which discards the breakneck, non-stop action of its predecessors for breakneck action heavily interspersed with comedy set-pieces. Ken Jeong, Frances McDormand and John Malkovich add comic pedigree to a cast which already features an increasingly Nicolas Cage-like Shia LaBoeuf and the always excellent John Turturro. The result is a stupid film that is occasionally hilarious, but even Ken Jeong’s brief and wonderfully off-kilter performance cannot wash the blood from the viewer’s hands.
Film Information
Theatrical release date:
Directed by Michael Bay