Cinema Review: Suicide Squad

Posted August 22, 2016 in Cinema Reviews

Suicide Squad

Director: David Ayer

Talent: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney

Release Date: 12th August


You know your movie is in trouble when Jai Courtney is the best thing about it. He will never be a great actor, but at least he injects some fun into proceedings, his character, the hard-drinking Captain Boomerang, being one of the very few saving graces in the dreary, joyless Suicide Squad, which is especially disappointing when considering that this film has been posited by DC Entertainment as an antidote to the funereal Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Things begin promisingly enough, with a task force of hardened criminals, including Will Smith’s Deadshot and Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, being assembled by Amanda Waller (Viola Davis, a great actress who should know better than signing up for such drivel) in order to combat the metahuman threat left in the wake of Superman’s death—something like a superhero version of The Dirty Dozen, if you like—but matters quickly degenerate from there. Poorly paced, painfully unfunny, with an aggressively obnoxious soundtrack, the film limps from derivative set-piece to derivative set-piece until it not so much ends as just stops, mercifully. Not recommended.

Words: Felipe Deakin 



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