Season Of The Witch

Posted January 24, 2011 in Cinema Reviews

Nicolas Cage is shamefully misdirected in this rather bland supernatural horror, of which only the opening five minutes, featuring Perlman and Cage in a battle/celebration-of-victory-in-battle montage, offer anything which might approach the finest actor of his generation’s vintage in terms of entertainment. What follows is a ‘dangerous journey’ story too sober to be funny and too clumsily told to be sincerely engaging, as we see Cage, Perlman, Nathan from Misfits, Tommy from Snatch and a young priest escort a young lady accused of witchcraft to a monastery town where her affliction may be treated through the invocation of rare scripture. Unfortunately, our hero is never let off the chain by director Dominic Sena, who has obviously become a total idiot since making Gone In 60 Seconds and Swordfish, both masterpieces in lavish Hollywood pancakery, and the film suffers for it.

Words: Oisin Murphy


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