Our Family Wedding

Posted June 17, 2010 in Cinema Reviews

Oh, this film makes me feel good. Like my childhood blanket, sweet lullabies, or my mother’s warm breast milk lining my oesophagus. Yes, popular cinema is where the innovation is! Don’t let any of these so-called indie filmmakers with their skinny ties tell you otherwise – here we have racial integration in America played to devastating comic effect and resolved happily, but with its fair share of complications. We all know the rules of the game at this point, and that’s what makes it great. If I need to think, I’ll read a book. Film should make me feel good, and that’s precisely what this does. Does a film need to challenge anything in order to be good? Does it need to take you from your comfort zone, or even attempt to? No. Success. I wish I could watch this film along with films like it on repeat until the moment I die.

Words: Oisin Murphy



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