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Old Dogs

Posted March 18, 2010 in Cinema Reviews

Probably the opening point to make about this film is that it missed out on winning awards. At the Razzies.

Despite that, this film is a harmless (and useless) enough, paint by numbers, routine children’s comedy, though I’ll admit I’m not sure I know of too many seven year olds that would sit through it without getting bored as I must admit, I did. A bro-mance at heart, the two leads were watchable together, despite being, what I would consider an odd pairing. Yes, some of the dialogue was dreadful, as was the plot, but Travolta and Williams make the most of it.

Robin Williams seems to be channelling that final courtroom speech from Mrs Doubtfire into every bookmarked, meaningful character moment he’s shot in the, nearly 20 years, since then. Unfortunately, in this case, the lack of quality script ensures that it doesn’t pack quite the same punch as it did in its original capacity.

Words: Anna Hayes



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