
Posted November 26, 2009 in Cinema Reviews

Nativity is the sort of film that stupid children enjoy. I don’t mean stupid children in the sense that some intelligent children exist and can be defined in opposition to the stupid ones, but that all children are stupid, and therefore films like Nativity are (and will be) quite successful, financially speaking. Supply and demand, and all that. The film relies on the assumption that audiences will be keen to hear and see a lot of children on-screen, swallow the film’s positioning of Hollywood as an all-powerful saviour, and sit through Mark Wooton’s embarrassing ad interminable comic performance as Mr. Poppy, a seemingly retarded classroom assistant. Rest assured, there is no reason for me to summarise the plot for you, predictable as it is, but I must leave you with a solemn and earnest warning to never watch this film. Unless you’re a stupid child.



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