Leap Year

Posted February 24, 2010 in Cinema Reviews

Leap Year has the proud honour of being the first film in years I almost walked out of. Not before ripping my eyes out first. In this romcom, Amy Adams plays the unlikable Anna Brady who, after four years waiting on her boyfriend to propose, hears of the Irish folklore tale of women proposing on 29th February and flies after him to Dublin. Meeting a stereotypical rogue (Matthew Goode) to help her find her way to Dublin (like how hard is it to follow timetables, woman?!), Leap Year becomes Romancing The Stone in rural Ireland, complete with mudslide scene. A medley of badly affected Oirish accents, paper-thin characters and a diddly-aye soundtrack, the scenery of Tipperary is the only redeeming feature. Setting feminism back by about 200 years and depicting Ireland as a third world country, Leap Year will be lapped up by Americans and perhaps 30-something singletons with a well-thumbed copy of Bridget Jones’s Diary.

Words: Lisa Hughes




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