Law Abiding Citizen

Posted November 27, 2009 in Cinema Reviews

This preposterous action thriller is the most outrageously overblown plot in recent memory. The story follows Clyde (Butler) whose wife and child were murdered. When the legal system fails to satisfy his need for retribution he takes it upon himself to exact revenge on everyone who is involved in the system that failed him, most prominently his lawyer, Nick (Foxx). This is not your average revenge thriller. The film’s central conceit is that Clyde is exacting his revenge from inside his jail cell and the law cannot beat his seemingly paranormal intellect. A ludicrous set-up with some truly ridiculous acting on the part of the leads, supported by a cast of classy actors who are way above nonsense like this. On the positive side, it is certainly entertaining and is enjoyably over-the-top at times.



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