
Posted June 30, 2010 in Cinema Reviews

Oh, it’s another high-concept French comedy! Yes! It’s often worth one’s while steering clear of anything described as ‘chic’ by anybody (see any advertising connected with this film), given that the word is used almost exclusively by the feeble-minded to describe things that make them feel good about being feeble-minded. That said, there’s nothing new here, other than that it’s a
classic ‘I can’t believe how ironic this situation is cos the guy who was initially cocksure and used to breaking the hearts of others is now getting his heart broken’ romantic comedy EXCEPT IT’S IN FRENCH. With subtitles! If you’re planning on bringing an attractive but stupid girl to the cinema and at the same time seeming as though you’re culturally ‘in touch’, you could probably do worse than this. Chances are she won’t realise it’s actually rubbish and that you’re an insincere sexual degenerate.

Words: Oisin Murphy




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