Cinema Review: The Light Between Oceans

Posted November 1, 2016 in Cinema Reviews

The Light Between Oceans

Director: Derek Cianfrance

Talent: Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander, Rachel Weisz, Florence Clery

Release date: 1st November


The Light Between Oceans is a Prestige Picture (note the capital Ps). Michael Fassbender is Tom, a war veteran returning to Australia who seeks solace as a lighthouse keeper. Tom meets, has a picnic and falls in love with Isabel (Alicia Vikander). The newlyweds live a picturesque life on their lighthouse island but there are storm clouds looming on the horizon. They are unable to have a child but through luck (or providence) a baby comes into their life.

This feature retains some of the intensity of Blue Valentine, director Derek Cianfrance’s debut feature, but is by and large a safe, period piece. That is, a handsome, austere, long-winded sort of picture. The human drama draws us in, its pretty pictures keep us amused, and its message of forgiveness and understanding is touching and affirming.

Words – Luke Maxwell



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