Our October edition is out and online now…

Posted September 26, 2023 in Arts and Culture


Whether it is a case of looking at Erin Quinn’s arresting photos incorporating A.I. technology into their creation or witnessing the ABBAtars in their current London Voyage show, the wondrous possibilities of technology are here. (We’ll save the downside for another time). 

Quinn realises scenarios which would once have only be available to established names with sign off on Vanity Fair style budgets. She conjures them up with ideas and software in a room. In contrast the ABBAverse is custom made and has a no expense spared, the budget is reputedly $175 million and realised with motion capture and performance techniques with the four band members together with visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic. It truly is a staggering live experience where you almost ignore the live band of humans whilst being fixated on the quartet. 

But there’s room to be grounded in the present also. Artist Jeremy Deller told us that while he realises the “incredible creative potential” of this world, he simply “knows nothing about it and is a very untechnical person.” And we have a heart-warming story and photo essay from Bohemians F.C. about their initiative to aid the visually impaired get in on the match action.

While we can see glimpses of our future, it’s also important to witness the present or be told the truth as it unfolds.

– Michael McDermott

Also in the October edition 



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