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Laya Healthcare City Spectacular: Orlaith Ross

Posted July 2, 2014 in Festival Features

Making Space is delighted to present a walking tour with a difference through the lesser-known gems of Dublin City. Totally Dublin spoke with organiser Orlaith Ross to get her scoop on creative Dublin for City Spectacular.

Introduce us to Hidden Dublin Walking Tours.

Dublin is full of hidden spots and little gems. For such a small city there are so many great innovative ideas happening. Making Space works with a number of creative’s on a day to day base showcasing what they do. The Hidden Dublin Walking Tours are an extension of this. We try to find unusual places and creative’s working on exciting projects and great cafes to include in the tours. The tour aims to be an insightful look into the creative world of Dublin and the driving forces behind it, with a focus on people who are doing it for themselves.

So it’s not the typical ‘and here’s a famous statue on your left’ type of tour. It’s an education to the hidden gems amongst the streets.

I try and mix it up a little bit. On the tours there is a mix of history, tall tales and what’s happening in Dublin right now. I think it is really important for people to know where Dublin comes from, how we have developed into the city that we are. Balancing that with stories about people working in the city today; businesses, creative’s and entrepreneurs who keep the city moving.

What other type of experimental activities do you encourage?

Making Space is a creative engagement agency which works on a range of events in the city focusing on experience. We host performances and dinners in unusual venues, pop-up artist residencies and manage creative projects for businesses. Events lined-up for the next few months include a Japanese dinner in the Temple Bar Galleries, Pretty eclectic, another pop-up residency programme and a ceramics exhibition in the NCAD Gallery in September.


Name your favourite place in Dublin where you stop, observe, absorb then keep going?

Kaph is a great spot for a bit of people watching, whether it’s on the bench or upstairs looking out the window. In just the last year or two, Drury Street has become another vibrant and colourful destination with great design shops, salons and the Drury Buildings. You can gain great insight from a city by looking at its people.

Tell the truth, have you ever lost anyone during your tours?

One person got locked in a bathroom which was a bit awkward!

The Hidden Walking Tour of Dublin will take place on July 19th.

For more of our coverage of the Laya Healthcare Cityspectacular, check out our interviews with Will St.Leger and Hunt & Gather.

Words: Seana Henry



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