Heineken Launches Innovative Campaign to Celebrate Historic Irish Pubs With Virtual Museums

Posted 4 months ago in Food & Drink Features


Heineken is teaming up with three iconic Irish pubs to bring you the ultimate virtual pub museum experience. Here’s the deal: you scan a QR code on some ancient relic in these pubs, and bam! You’re hit with a wave of historical facts and stories. First stop? Toner’s, baby!

This place has been kickin’ it on Baggot Street since 1818, and is said to be where the Guinnesses drank their Guinness. It’s like stepping into a time machine, except with pints and good vibes.

Dive into the legacy of James Toner, the OG pub boss whose portrait hangs like a boss on the wall next to literary legends W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, and Patrick Kavanagh—legends in their own right, all hanging out in the literary scene here.

It’s a fun an somewhat educational way to spend a few pints with the lads.

Words: Shamim De Brún


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