We See You Baby! Wildfarmed at The Fumbally

Posted 11 months ago in Food & Drink Features


The enterprising folk at The Fumbally have joined forces with Wildfarmed to host a panel discussion entitled, “Regenerative Agriculture – What is it and how can I eat it?”

Those endeavouring to answer that question on the night include Karen O’Donoghue, founder of The Happy Tummy Co., Chris Fahey of Wildflour Bakery and representatives from Wildfarmed, the pioneering food and farming company currently leading the way in biodiversity, soil and ecosystem health.

Co-founded in the UK by George Lamb, Edd Lees and farmer Andy Cato of Groove Armada fame, the organisation’s mission is firmly focused on aiding the transformation of the food system, in an inspiring endeavour that sees everyone in the supply chain rewarded fairly. Its influence is clearly growing, with reputable bakeries such as Russell Street, Scéal, and Wildflour just some of the Irish artisan producers currently using the output of Wildfarmed’s regenerative efforts here.

In addition to a discussion on the health and environmental benefits of regenerative agriculture, the evening will feature plenty of opportunities to check out some of their finest products, with a selection of late night bangers set to get everybody ‘shaking that ass…’

As the hosts more eloquently put it; “It’s not all chewing the fat – we’ll be sampling delicious Wildfarmed products and dancing the night away with our newfound friends till the wee hours, because it turns out sustainability doesn’t need to be a drag.”

Tickets to what promises to be a fascinating and informative discussion and party are available online via thefumbally.ie. 7pm – 11pm, Wed October 18th.



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