We all know that miserable experience when the hand dryer is poxy, where you you’d be better off blowing your own hands and where you have to streak the remaining wet through your hair in order to make way for someone else to suffer the same fate.
Grogan’s is particularly notorious for this grim offering though we hope their recent, expense spared, bathroom refurb might mark an improvements. Step forward Irish Hand Dryer Reviews (10 posts, 2110 followers) which has already surpassed its UK equivalent (124 posts, 1800 followers). Clearly, a niche has been identifed.
Sample review:
Delaney’s Pub Smithfield, Air Pressure: 8.5/10, Air Temperature: 5/10, Aesthetics: 6.5/10, Overall: 7/10
“An absolute pleasure to start off this Instagram page by reviewing this little gem in Delaney’s pub. The airforce by World Dryer boasts ‘high speed and low energy’ and after using I can confirm this to be correct. The air pressure was extremely forceful blowing away any remnants of moisture from both my left and right hand. Temperature of air pressure leaves a little bit to be desired however as it felt slightly on the cold side which added to the overall drying time. Although not as aesthetically pleasing as a @dyson V blade I found the shape and size extremely charming in its own right. All in all I’m extremely impressed with the airforce by World Dryer and was worth the trip to the bathroom.”
insta: irish_hand_dryer_reviews