New Studies Show Difference in Gambling Between Men and Women

Posted January 14, 2018 in More

Although gambling habits differ from one individual to the next, there are sometimes distinct correlations or differences between specific groups of people. This is a subject that has been the focus of main studies aimed at better understanding people’s gambling habits. Many of these studies have concentrated on whether there is a difference between the gambling habits of men and women or not. According to research, new studies show the difference in gambling habits between men and women are significant in most areas. Here is an overview of some of these differences.

Types of Gambling

There are many different types of gambling sites available to enjoy online. While both are enjoyed by both men and women, there are differences in the type of site that men and women are more likely to visit. Overall, the most popular type of gambling site is sports betting, followed by online bingo and online slots. However, studies of women’s preferences show that bingo comes out on top of their preferred gambling sites, followed by sports betting and then online slots. Men in the same studies revealed that their favorite websites were sports betting sites, followed by online poker and then online slots.

Spending on Gambling

There is also a significant difference in the amount of money that men and women will typically spend on gambling in an average week. While 51.8% of women spend between one and ten pounds on online gambling, only 35.9% of men fit into the same spending bracket. In terms of those who spend larger amounts of money, it is more likely to be men that are willing to fork out more for their gambling habit.

Gambling Loyalty

Another difference in the gambling habits of men and women is loyalty to specific sites. While women will often use just one site or sometimes two, men are more likely to use three or more different sites to enjoy gambling. However, both sexes seem to prefer to stick to the sites they know and trust as less than 10% of both sexes gamble on more than six sites.

Motivation for Gambling

Each individual has their own motivations for spending time on gambling sites. Surprisingly, this is the one area that shows that there is not a significant difference in the gambling habits of men and women. In fact, there is very little difference at all in this respect. The biggest motivation for gambling for both sexes was to make money and this was true for 54.9% of women and 56.6% of men. The second motivation was fun and, again, the percentage of those who listed this as a motivation was close between both men and women. The third biggest motivation for gambling for both groups is the thrill of winning.

Although there are some similarities in the gambling habits of men and women, such as motivation, there are also significant differences in the way that men and women gamble. The clearest differences are their spending habits, the types of gambling sites they visit, and their loyalty to specific gaming and gambling sites. This is an area of lifestyle that researchers are continuing to study.



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