Dublin Food Porn Fest – Ten Best Pics Week #1

Posted June 8, 2016 in Festival Features

The Dublin Food Porn Festival runs throughout June with a series of saucy events that will leave you drooling. To get an invitation to some terrific foodtastic events our pals at Yelp Dublin urged foodie fans to share their food porn, and they’ve duly obliged!

The results of Week One are in.  Here are ten of the best from the last seven days for your delectation….

For more on getting involved see here


Sprinkled Donut from Offbeat Doughnuts – Eoin D.

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Garden Salad From DeSelbys – Madison W.

garden salad
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French Toast In Sophie’s – Mia D.

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Scallops at Soder & Ko – Sarah S.

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Margarita at Dublin Pizza Company – Ilaria M.

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Pancakes at Eathos – Claire-Louise F.

pancakes at eathos
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Burger from Jo’Burger – Yajaida P.

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Rib Eye at Whitefriar Grill – John R.

ribeye at whitefriargrill
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Mixed Salad at The Fumbally – Ann W.

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Full Breakfast at the Honeycomb Cafe – Natalie M.

full breakfast Honeycomb
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Want to get involved? 

Simply share your food photos from any eateries in Dublin over June to be invited along to one of the many foodgasmic events. Share your food porn here

The most droolsome food photos will be published by Totally Dublin each week, and framed in The Apothecary Bar Gallery at the end of the month.

The best food pornographers will be invited to the climax of the festival, a Food Porn Feast in Dillingers, Ranelagh.

Upcoming events include a food photography workshop in Cake Cafe hosted by food stylist Jette Virdi, ‘BBQ In The Buff’, a session of life drawing with a foodie twist at the Morgan Hotel, and a night of “Fantasy & Food” on South William Street with Platform 61 and Miss Fantasia.

Check out www.dublinfoodporn.ie for more.

Keep an eye out for the weekly TD Newsletter where the best foodie pics will be published each week.



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