The Monk

Posted April 24, 2012 in Cinema Reviews

Director: Dominik Moll

Talent: Vincent Cassel, Deborah Francois, Josephine Japy

Release Date: April 27th

Matthew Lewis’ The Monk is a landmark Gothic novel and much-loved by those who relish dark, twisted tales of gods and demons, deception, incest and cross-dressing. In his adaptation, Dominik Moll thankfully doesn’t shy away from the salacious details. The titular monk is Brother Ambrosio (Vincent Cassel), a Capucin friar who is revered for the fervency of his faith. But when the devil appears to him as a woman (subtle, I know) he finds himself giving in to sin and temptation. The film looks beautiful. Shimmering Spanish deserts provide a somehow fitting contrast to Moll’s austere stylistic choices – the use of an old-fashioned iris is noteworthy. However, momentum is lost in the second half of the film and when Ambrosio’s fate is decided, we’re simply not sure whether we care anymore. Vincent Cassel’s performance is subtle and controlled but unfortunately not enough to give The Monk the adrenaline injection it really needs.

Words: Emma Keaveney



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