Following a weirdly prodigious show at Forbidden Fruit at the start of the summer, the bastard lovechild of Dan Deacon and Steve Buscemi, Jana Hunter returns to our shores, band in tow. New record Nootropics (meaning Smart Drugs) blends spacey guitar fuzz, iridescent cosmic synths and the androgynous appeal of Hunter’s suggestive, fractured vocals, with lyrical themes that run the gamut from technology to all-out zombie apocalypse to create a world of post-apocalyptic decay with a narcotic charm.
When? 15th December
Where? The Button Factory
The damage? €16. Unless you win a pair of tickets through us, of course. Post your favourite Lower Dens track with a Youtube link below. Remember to include your full name and email address in the form so we can tell you if/when you’ve won.